Thrilled with their new chairs.

Trying to get a picture of both of them, only got Nems! Next time I will try duct tape!!!

Ok, so do you ever have those days where you look at your children and think they look like orphans? Well i am sure that child protective services were to come to my house most days they would take away my parenting rights:) One day I am hoping to use these as possible blackmail pictures.
Here are our christmas eve jammy pictures. My mom always spend so much time and effort looking for cute jammies that will all match together and then we take pictures and eat tons of food and open christmas eve stockings, which my mom also provides. It is a fun night just spent with family! I am so greatful for Matt and I's families and all that they do for us! Most of my greatest friends, I have found in my family and feel extremely blessed to be able to say that!
Here is a picture of Matt, his brothers(minus Elder Sam) and Crystal at her wedding which we got to go to Oregon for. It turned out beautiful and we were glad to be able to spend some time with the Briggs clan right before Christmas!