Savvy and Bee, should've turned it around...oops! My beautiful nieces!

sledding buddies
This year we got to spend a relaxing and snow filled, and smog free Christmas at the cabin! This year was especially fun because the girls are bigger and were excited for Santa to come, that is until they actually met him. Then when we would ask if they wanted Santa to some, they would say NO! But if we would throw in there that Santa might bring them a toy if they were good, that made them consider letting him come. Christmas eve, we did all of the traditions from a HUGE food buffet, matching jammies(which my mom made this year.....yes, she is superwoman), to our Christmas eve stockings that are jam packed with wonderful things from Mimi and Papa. After all of that excitement it was time to put the kids down to bed. Waking the girls up on Christmas was fun! They smiled for probably two seconds and then they were done and ready for a nap. UNTIL they got to open their first present from Santa, which was a baby Ariel doll complete with baba's and little Graco cribs. It was so much fun watching the excitement on all the kids faces. The next day the boys made a sledding hill complete with a jump.(my tail bone is still bruised) We just spent our time up at the cabin having fun with each other, relaxing, reading, watching movies, sledding, snowmobiling and the kids playing from sun up to sun down! What a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of love, family, and good memories!!!