Thanksgiving Point Discovery Gardens. Wyatt is giving Emerie a hug!

Addy is a girl after my own heart! I turned on cooking show while I was cooking and she just sat and watched!

Lukey came over and we watched movies and ate ALOT of popcorn!
So far this summer, we have been really busy with different activities and me getting ready for our boutiques first festival at the end of July. We are trying to get our yard done in between everything too! We are heading up to the cabin for the 4Th and then will be home for a week and then it's off to Oregon to see Matt's brother Sam, who is getting home from his mission in 9 days! We are so excited, the girls were born 4 months after he left and then Matt's sister Crystal has had a baby and our sister in law Kelsey has had one too, so he is coming home to a whole new family! How fun!!! Then 2 days after we get back the first festival begins!
Anyways, here are some pictures from our adventures!