As you can see, they both look THRILLED to be there!!!

Mimi was nice and let Addy sit on her shoulders

Playing with Scout(p.s. I love night gowns on little girls, they are so cute!!!)

Papa was always doing something fun with the girls! That's why everyone loves him so much!!!

Eating a well rounded lunch of ramen, cheeses, and oranges. Anyone who has been to the cabin knows that food-wise, anything goes:)
So for the 4th of July, we got to go to the cabin with my family and spend some time out of the heat of the city! It was so nice up there.The first day it was just Matt, the girls and I and then my family started to trickle in after that.
On the 4th, we woke up to Emerie having a temperature and not feeling very well. We gave her some tylenol, which helped and then we were off to the parade in Oakley. This was the girls first parade and I think at first, they weren"t sure about some things, but then they warmed up after they realized that people were throwing free candy at them! I mean, how bad can that really be?!?! After the parade, it was back up the mountain for lunch and riding four wheelers and naps. Then we headed back down to Oakley for the rodeo and fireworks! Poor Nems fever didn't fully go away till Monday, after we got back, but it was fun and relaxing and just what we needed!
Now we are off to Oregon!