We officially made it through the hectic, expensive, fabulous and memorable October!!! As much fun as we had I am glad it's over and am looking forward to the holidays!!! It's been a little bit of a struggle not to put up my Christmas tree yet.........Matt would never let me, but maybe one of these days he will come home to a house ready for Christmas! I LOVE Christmas and have always wanted to get it going as soon as Halloween is over. I remember so many years that Kim and I would wake everyone up at 5 am.......we had to wait for our tired parents and (cranky) and tired brothers:) I love the whole day and everything leading up to it. The shopping, the baking, the service projects, the parties and especially the time spent with family!!! I am so excited for the girls to get bigger and better understand what a magical time of year it is and the significance that it holds, and not only the presents, but the day that we celebrate our Saviours birth!!!
Ok, so now I REALLY want to put my decorations up.......