Halle arrived very quickly in the middle of the night on October 16! That's right, all of my children have their birthdays within two days of each other! 6 out of 10 grand kids on my parents side have been born in October!
So I woke up around 1:15 and had my first contraction laid down about 10 minutes later and had another. I knew by how painful they were that it was go time so I woke Matt up to go to the hospital and then my water broke! He got the girls up and they were kind of out of it, and then called my parents to meet us there and grab the girls. Thank heavens we didn't think we had time to drop them off because by the time we got to Alta View, I was almost dilated to a 6! They were trying to rush things to get ready for my c-section and get the Dr there since I was progressing so fast. I kept asking for the epidural and they kept telling me they had to wait for a minute. Well, that turned into 15 minutes and then it was too late. So not only was I not having a c-section, but I was doing it Au-natural! I was scared and in a lot of pain but Matt was SO FABULOUS and kept telling me I could do this! Well, 7 pushes later Halle Ann made her appearance that apparently just couldn't wait anymore!
She is fabulous and beautiful and has frosted hair! It is the funniest thing and all the nurses just kept commenting on her frosted hair! We are all in love with this little girl. Even Addy and Emerie will just sit and touch her softly! Life is good and we have been extremely blessed with this little girl and by those that have helped us in the last few days! We are surrounded by good people with big hearts! Thank you to everyone, especially those that have taken the girls and loved them and spoiled them while we were at the hospital!
To baby Halle, who will one day read this! You are so loved and are one of our miracles! Your daddy and I count ourselves so lucky to be able to raise you on this earth! We love you!!!