Sitting in their new "big girl" car seats!

Hubby cooking breakfast. What a hotty!!!! p.s look at those guns!

Table setting!
So we have had a lot going on lately. Our house has the stucco and rock on now and is primed and ready for paint. It is so fun to watch everything we have picked out come together in real life! We go down at least once a week and just walk around in awe of how fast it seems to be coming together! While we have been EXTREMELY blessed to have such a beautiful home to live in(with the best roomies in the world-my parents) we can't wait to get into our house.
The girls are talking more and more everyday and it is so funny to hear them try and mimic everything we say. They are at about 17 words each and should only be at 7-9. This is such a fun age, even though we are now getting into the fits and Emerie has decieded that when she gets mad, she goes down to her knees. Even though I try to ignore it, it is still hard not to laugh. They have also started fighting a little bit with each other. If anybody has any suggestions on how to deal with that, let me know! I try to stay out of it and just let them work it out, but we don't live in fairytale land and it usually ends up with Addy taking off with something Emerie had and Emerie is now crying! They are tons of fun though too and love it when their cousins come to play. Especially Bee or Lukey!
For Valentine's Matt surprised me with a table all set up in our house and made me breakfast on a camp stove. He had it all decorated and everything. He is so good to me and I feel so lucky to be married to him. He also just got a pretty big promotion at work and so we celebrated by leaving the girls for their first leepover with Mimi and Papa. We went to the Grand America and walked around the Gateway and ate at PF Changs. YYYYUUUUMMMMMMYYYY! It was nice to just relax with each other and know that the girls were in great hands!
My mom, Robyn and I threw a baby shower for Kim that turned out really great! We had yummy mini quiches, mini cupcakes, salad, mini cookies and a fun party favor of a candy bar. It was so much fun to put together and do this for her and Dan(and they got a good haul of gifts for the bubby!) She still hasn't had her and everyday we keep hoping to get "the call."
1 comment:
I am excited for you and your new house. That is swo fun what Matt did, what a great hubby you have!
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