I love taking pics of them standing side by side. There are very few of them because they can't hold still!

First off, today is my sister-in-laws birthday and anyone who knows her, knows she is amazing!!! She has been in our family for a long time(and is still here:) and we are lucky to have her. Love you Rob and Happy Birthday!!!!!
Second, I have a new nephew. Mike and Kelsey had their little boy on the 19th and he has a head full of dark, dark hair and is just beautiful! We can't wait to go meet him and the girls love looking at pictures and saying,"it's a baby!" Congrats Mike and Kels!!! Love you guys!
So, since it is raining outside and very chilly, I thought if I blogged about all the beautiful and warm weather we had last week maybe the sun will be out when I wake up tomorrow!?!?! It has been so fun for the girls to be able to just go outside and play on the deck. They can be out there for hours and just walk around and go up the steps and down the steps. It really is nice having twins because they always have their little friend right there. A new thing they have started doing this week is, when one is throwing a fit and has gone down to her knees,(very dramatic) the other one will start to fake cry and go down her knees as well. Sounds funny huh? It's not. They totally feed off each other and have both decided that they NEED to go outside first thing EVERY morning. So, of course when I tell them that we have to eat breakfast first they go down to their knees. It really is funny, but being the parent and not wanting fits to become acceptable, especially in public have to pretend it's not funny and turn my head to laugh. They are fun girls and definitely keep us all entertained!