First of all, were they ever this little and quiet????

Second, this could probably be classified as child abuse! This was a build-a-bear outfit that we put on Emerie

So here is our kitchen! The room I have been the most excited about seeing finished!

Our great room

These are the two favorite things in the house(besides my tub), the pendant lights and my cabinets.
Well, our house is almost finished and hopefully we will be closing toward the end of this month! It's wierd to think that we will have our very own home again.
Seriously, those cabinets would make me so happy! They are gorgeous!!! What a beautiful house you will have THIS MONTH!!! Even though your mom and dad are going to have withdrawls, I am so excited for you and Matt. Congrats, and we can't wait for a moving party.
How weird that your babies were that small...they are still just as yummy!
I love your cabinets!! It is hard to remember that they were that small eh? I have been goign through pics of my twins and I cry every time, because time seems to have slipped away!
Yum and Yum! I remember them like that! I'm eating up every second of Mad being this small. It goes too fast. I can't believe how much Maddy looks like them at that age. OOOhhh yum!!
So happy about your house. We walked through yesterday and I got jealous, it's sooo nice. Maybe we'll ditch this place and move down there.
ok, I had to delete the last one because my head was faster than my fingers and it didn't makae sense. Ok here we go. House looks beautiful. I am so excited for you. You will only add to the cuteness of your home. Your girls are dolls and it only gets better and more fun from here on out. Your cabinets are the bomb. One day I can post a house too, just not yet, and thats ok. Good Luck You're a doll and will love it.
Build-a-Bear!?! That is a little cruel. But funny! Love the house :)
Your kitchen looks great! Hopefully you will invite us over to see it and we could bring Grandma, and she could see her new great grandbaby!!! I love to look at your blog. I always tell Toots visit Sissa's blog its awesome!!
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