After seeing a movie with the cousins

Miss Maddy's first movie! She was a champ until the end when she puked all over Kim

The girls first theater movie. They loved it!!!

Maddy got really thirsty:)

Water party with the cousins! They love to do anything with these kids!!!

Cute little Savvy had a dance recital

Got their faces painted at the Dinosaur birthday party
Playin in the water with Boston

Addy looks so old in this picture

Sienna and the girls

We went up American Fork canyon with my family for the 4

Alec and Maddy
Jer was tired and for some reason thought this hard bench looked like a good
place to nap

My cute Dad also thought it looked comfy!

Thank heavens Lukey was ok pulling them around and around! They sure love him!

We went up to The Canyons with friends on the 3rd to watch fireworks

These are the shirts we made for the kids(not sure who the grown man wearing an Elmo shirt in the background is.....)

Trying to get a good shot with Boston

Addy and Chase

We have had such a blast this summer with our friends and family! We hardly have some down time but we are loving it! Hope everyone else is having a great summer too!!!
1 comment:
Could your girls get any cuter?? I don't think so.....
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