Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas activities

We played in the snow.

They don't look that appetizing, but they were good:)

Making cupcakes for friends

Played in the snow some more

Here's some more dance pics from their last Christmas recital

The girls in green are the Grinch's that brought so much misery to Emerie's life.....

Love them!

My babies
We had a fantastic and super busy holiday season with lot's of family, friends, food, and presents! The girls last recital started pretty much the same as the other two, with Emerie in tears. She cried all of her makeup off before going to Savvy, who once again calmed her down and helped take her mind off the upcoming dance with the evil Grinch's. Matt and I were convinced that they were just going to stand there again and look cute, but they actually danced and even added a second dance to the program. Both Matt and I teared up at watching our babies up there doing such a good job, and seeing how they are growing up!

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